Classic Hollywood Films do more than entertain, they transport you to a far away places.
Take a trip from your couch: Watch our list of Classic Hollywood Films inspired by exciting places. Watching a film can transport you around the world and classic Hollywood films are the perfect antidote and inspiration for your future travels. Here is our list of favorites that are inspired by places you might want to go: New York, Paris, Rome, South of France and more. Each film features a favorite star: Audrey, Carey, Marilyn, Fred Astaire, and many more. The scenery is sometimes filmed in a studio where the art directors are masters of illusion; scenic views of the south of France in TO CATCH A THIEF were filmed from a helicopter, a move by Hitchcock way ahead of its time. The streets of Paris were filmed live in FUNNY FACE and immortalized by Audrey Hepburn. Did we mention the fashion? This group of travel inspired films is filled with some of Hollywood’s greatest costume designers CREATIONS AND FUNNY FACE WAS ONE OF the times that GIVENCHY partners with AUDREY HEPBURN to create her look that became iconic. In HOW STELLA GOT HER GROOVE BACK, Angela Bassett reminds everyone who is in charge in this iconic story of revision, romance and the return from a vacation that changes her life.
- To Catch a Thief – The South of France with Carrie Grant and Grace Kelley solve a mystery of a high stakes jewel thief.
- Funny Face – Audrey Hepburn and Fred Astaire focus on fashion in Paris and Fall in Love.
- Roman Holiday – A princess visits Roma and discovers love with Gregory Peck, a celebrity journalist.
- How to Marry a Millionaire – New York never looked so glamorous through the eyes of three single girls on the lookout for a husband in this archaic celebration of women.
- When Stella Got her Groove Back – One woman’s journey to self-assurance on an island vacation with a sexy suitor.

Would you like to take a Trip inspired by Hollywood film? Get in touch with us at: [email protected] to discover your own journey or explorations.