
Hanover Charities

With over 55 years in existence, the Hanover Charities continues to improve the education and health of the citizens of Hanover Parish, Jamaica.

Hanover Charities Children

Their funds support:

  • Programs that feed school children, the elderly and indigent
  • Facilities, clinics, institutions and projects that provide health care
  • School feeding programs
  • Organizations that promote positive values and education for children
  • Promising students in need of financial aid through the Morris-Watkins Memorial Scholarship

Hanover Charities honor their responsibility and provide appropriate records and ongoing reports documenting donations received, grants awarded and people served. They commit themselves to honesty in all their relationships and interactions. Through their integrity of their actions, Hanover Charities maintain trust of their community and donors locally and abroad.

Would you like to get involved and help Hanover children?

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The Hanover Charities Story

In the 1950’s the very charismatic, then Custos Rotolorum of Hanover, Willy De Lisser along with his wife Ida lived at the Blue Hole Great House. Known as “Custos”, Willy De Lisser, and Ida, famed for their excellent hospitality and internationally renowned polo field, entertained many visitors. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip as well as the host of celebrities who were flocking to the island.

An old Jamaican family, the De Lisser’s were great supporters of the community with a long history of giving especially at Christmas time.  A winter visitor to Jamaica, Mrs. Bingle, heard about what the family did and was so impressed she made a cash donation to help out with the purchase of gifts and food. This led to many who visited the island and its unique relationship to the Royal family create a history of giving to the Parish.  Visitors to Jamaica such as Prince Rainier of Monaco gave and continue to give generously to the charity.

It’s Official: Hanover Charities  is one of the largest in the region

As an official charity organization – a wider outreach programme for the area began. The goal is to improve the quality of life for the residents of Hanover . This non-profit is the largest in Jamaica and assists over 60 charities and 25,000 citizens directly and indirectly.  Community health, education and welfare activities, such as “soup kitchens” all have benefited from the largesse of this generous group of people.  All requests for funding are carefully investigated and screened by the charity board and its leaders.

Get involved with a charitable contribution to Hanover Charities

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